Global groundwater depletion pdf

Global depletion is estimated from usa values using correlation. Pdf, nonrenewable groundwater use and groundwater depletion. The total global groundwater depletion is estimated as 283 40 km3 a. Economic gains from groundwater use have been dramatic. Pdf global depletion of groundwater resources researchgate. Groundwater depletion the world over poses a far greater threat to global water security than is currently acknowledged. All around the world, groundwater is a resource in transition. In the past halfcentury, ready access to pumped wells has ushered in a worldwide explosion of groundwater development for municipal, industrial, and agricultural supplies. G roundwater the water stored beneath earths surface in soil and porous rock aquifers accounts for as much as 33% of total water withdrawals worldwide1. Dutch scientists claim groundwater depletion adds about 25 percent to projected rates of sealevel rise, making it the largest contributor from land to sealevel rise other than the melting of. This results in an estimate of total global groundwater depletion of.

Groundwater is a valuable resource both in the united states and throughout the world. Groundwater depletion the world over poses a far greater threat to global water security than is. Dutch scientists claim groundwater depletion adds about 25 percent to projected rates of sealevel rise, making it the largest contributor from land to sealevel rise other than the melting of the greenland and antarctic ice sheets. Excessive abstraction for irrigation frequently leads to overexploitation, i. Konikow eloise kendy keywords overabstraction groundwater managment groundwater development groundwater depletion introduction in the past halfcentury, ready access to pumped wells has ushered in a worldwide explosion of groundwater development for mu.

Us geol surv fact sheet 08400 service rf 2004 as the west goes dry. Many areas of the united states are experiencing groundwater depletion. Here we provide a global overview of groundwater depletion from the year 1960 to 2000 at a spatial resolution of 0. The global groundwater crisis nature climate change. The international water management institute is grateful to the consultative group on. Here we provide a global overview of groundwater depletion here defined. Groundwater depletion, a term often defined as longterm waterlevel declines caused by sustained groundwater pumping, is a key issue associated with groundwater use. Various studies have estimated the impact of groundwater depletion on global sea levels. Global groundwater depletion 7 a global map of groundwater depletion for the year 2000 was obtained by subtracting groundwater recharge from year 2000 groundwater abstraction. Abstractions in excess of recharge provide an estimate of the amount of groundwater depletion, while negative values occur in regions where abstraction. Pool dr, winster d, cole kc 2000 landsubsidence and groundwater storage monitoring in the tucson active management area, arizona. Famiglietti groundwater depletion the world over poses a far greater threat to global water security than is currently acknowledged.

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